Island Facebook Fables Stories of Blue Island in the Twentieth Century have long been covered by dust and lost in time, but recently a Blue Islander set out to uncover and reveal that which was forgotten. Joe Gatrell has been posting excerpts from his new book "JUST THE WAY THINGS WERE DONE, A POLITICAL HISTORY OF BLUE ISLAND: Volume One, 1920 to 1965." on Facebook. In an attempt to help preserve these stories against future loss, I am archiving them here as they appeared on Facebook. Thanks Joe. ☛ January 13 - Frank Kasten: Blue Island's 8th Mayor ☛ January 23 - The Murder Of Laura Bucholz ☛ February 21 - Memorial Park Plane Crash ☛ April 14 - The Tunnels Of Blue Island ☛ May 1 - Mayor Hart & the Saving Of Blue Island ☛ ☛ Referenced B.I Sun Standard Article: November 14 2013 ☛ November 9 - Transfer Inn Bombed ☛More ☛To ☛Come
Page Updated: January 2014 |